
We are waiting on the post office to put a new locking system in. We are getting closer and closer. #hotel #hotels #airbnb #vrbo #booking #Googlehotel #googlehotels #rochesterMinnesota #rochestermn #MayoClinic #mayoClinicRochesterMN #stmaryshosp...

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Grand chapel

The St. Mary's hospital chapel is quite Grand. #hotel #hotels #Googlehotel #googlehotels #airbnb #vrbo #booking #rochesterMinnesota #rochestermn ##mayoClinicRochesterMN #mayoclinic #mayociviccenter #grand #chapel #joy

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St Mary's chapel

St Mary's chapel. #hotel #hotels #booking #vrbo #airbnb #Googlehotel #googlehotels #stmaryshospital #stmarys #mayoClinicRochesterMN #MayoClinic #mayociviccenter #stainglass #beautiful

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New flooring

New flooring put down. #hotel #hotels #airbnb #vrbo #booking #Googlehotel #googlehotels #rochesterMinnesota #rochestermn #mayoClinicRochesterMN #mayoclinic #stmaryshospital #mayociviccenter #newflooring #remodel

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Beautiful chapel

Chapel at St. Mary's hospital is just beautiful. #hotel #hotels #airbnb #vrbo #booking #googlehotel #googlehotels #stmaryshospital #mayoClinicRochesterMN #mayoclinicrochester #mayoclinic #mayociviccenter #chapel #stmarys #pews #architecture #chu...

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